Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's been a while...

It's been some time since I visited here, but I did some re-modeling and I have some serious catching up to do. The year or so I spent on live-journal really helped me remain focused on project continuation and completion. This year I'd like to re-focus on the completion aspect as well as the contemplation of new work... not just this or that, but work that better expresses me. Work that is harder, but will be more worthwhile and will feed my soul.

So I have been exploring a bit and remodeling the blog to be a primary blog (did you know I have about three incomplete blogs)... too much. And I have been visiting many many places online and elsewhere (see my list of favorite blogs). There is a lot of creativity out there and it strengthens the heart to know it.

I visited the Oregon College of Art and Craft. They have an interesting manifesto.

"Craft. It's who we are, it's who we've always been. When others are turning their back on craft, it is our time to embrace it. To own it. To lead. Without Craft there is no art.

Craft is making. Making is fundamental. Fundamentals are essential to give context and provide a framework. Rules must be learned before they can be broken. (And we are certain to break them)."

"Craft is making. Making is fundamental. Fundamentals are essential. Craft is essential. Through Craft we make things no one's ever seen: Make waves, Make a statement, Make things better, Make them different. Make. Make Art."

I think this is a good place to start. And then there is Sarah Swett's idea of Palouse to consider as well.

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